
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Dinosaur Dress-Up Quicky, Easy, Upcycled No-Sew

Dinosaur Dress-Up
Quicky, Easy, Upcycled No-Sew

Last month I made the ridiculous rookie mistake of telling my daughter that Halloween was two months away and we needed to think about costume ideas. MY BAD!!!!!  For seven non-stop days, all I heard from her little mouth was, “Mommy, I want to dress up like a dinosaur!”  This kid was stuck on it like Rain Man and I had to do something about it to preserve my own sanity.  I didn’t want to make her actual Halloween costume in August because I knew there was no chance it would make it ‘til Halloween.  Instead, I came up with an easy alternative that took an hour to create but has kept her happy since.

  1. Old hoodie
  2. Felt: black, white and any other colors you choose.
  3. Hot glue gun
  4. Two different sized circles to trace.  I used a solo cup and spray bottle.

  1. Cut all the pieces of felt you’ll need first.

The dino eyes are first.  Use the solo cup (bigger circle) to trace 2 circles on the white felt, and cut them out.  Then use the spray bottle or smaller circle to trace on the black felt cut those out.

Dino spikes are next.  I had a bunch of 81/2 X 11 sheets of felt in the house, so I just grabbed a few sheets of matching color to make the spikes.  I held the felt long ways and folded the corners in to make two triangles.  Then I cut them out.  It left me with two diamond shaped pieces of each color. 


Then cut out all the teeth.  I cut all different sized white triangles out.  I just lined them up against the hood to make sure I had enough.

Finally cut out the belly.  I just cut the corners off an 81/2 X 11 piece of felt and shaped it into a huge oval. 


               Now all the pieces are cut and ready to go!!!

***Remember:  When you are making play costumes for you kids they don’t have to be perfect.  If you let them be part of the process of making it with you, they will love it no matter what.

  1. Plug in your hot glue gun.

Position the dino’s eyes where you want them and hot glue them on.

Position the dino’s belly over the zipper of the hoodie and cut in half.  Now, glue each half in the poison you set up.


Glue on all the teeth around the hood.  I lined them all up in no particular size order and hot glued them onto the inside hem of the sweat shirt.

  1. Let all that gluing you did have a few minutes to dry.

  1. Find the center of the back of the hood and back of the sweatshirt.
I ironed mine down the center to make a line so I didn’t have to mark it out with any dress making pencils.

Once you have the center ready start gluing on the dino’s spikes by placing a line of hot glue down the center line of the Hoodie.  Start on the hood and work your way down.  Lay the diamond shape you cut out. Press it down on just that one line of glue and move onto I did mine one spike at a time. 

After all the spikes are glued onto the sweatshirt, glue them together so they stand up like dinosaur spikes.


  1. Finally touch up any places that could use a little more glue to support it.
  2. Give the hoodie to your littlesaurasrex!!!!



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