
Friday, October 4, 2013

One Part Dawn 2 Parts Hydrogen Peroxide

I am a Mom of 2, a 3 year-old little girl and a 1 year-old little boy.  My husband like me, is a PE teacher, he also coaches college baseball.  We also have they messiest most mischievous Basset Hound on the planet.  Stains are a part of life in our house.  We are on a tight budget though, so wrecked clothes do to stains are not and option. 

This is the best, of the best, of the best stain removers I have ever tried.  It works on everything, even that super yucky newborn poop that stains all your onesies that beautiful gold color!     Even the stuff that Shout can’t get out, and you probably have the ingredients in your house already.  Whip a batch of this stuff up and next time there is a stain catastrophe, give it a whirl.  


1 part Liquid Dawn

2 Parts Hydrogen Peroxide


I never measure it exactly I just eyeball it and pour it into a spray bottle that I leave by the washer.

For the beset results as soon as a stain occurs rinse it under cold water.  Then spay the magic mixture on and give it a little scrub.  Let it sit for a minute or two and throw it into the wash.  Pull it out and VOILA!  Stain Gone!!!

I’m not a professional.  I’m just trying to get by like everyone else.  I would not try this on a very fragile fabric.  You may want to test it in an inconspicuous part of your clothing first.  I’ve never had a problem with it, and I’ve used it on a multitude of fabrics…but hey you never know.

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