
Friday, October 4, 2013

My Shower Miracle

I hate cleaning the tub and shower walls. No, really. I mean HATE it. However, I’ve found a way to make it seem bearable.  You take 1 part hot vinegar (I put mine in a Pyrex measuring cup in the microwave for 3 minutes) 1 part Dawn dish soap and fill a dish washing wand with it.  Then, I leave it in the shower.  Everyday while I am showering, I scrub down a wall or the tub. I let it sit for a minute then rinse really quickly with the shower head.  It literally takes 1 minute to do every day and it has never been cleaner. 

The mixture works better than any store bought cleaner I have ever tried.  It gets rid of soap scum and dissolves any mineral build up you may have. But, there’s more! As a bonus, it will also get your faucets to sparkle. The only down side is that your bathroom will smell like vinegar for a little while afterward. However, compared to that funky chemical odor that comes with many store bought cleaners, it’s pretty tolerable.  So give it a try. Now if I could only figure out a quick way to clean up after a dog bath!

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