
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Transforming an old Tee Shirt

     We all have that tee shirt drawer in our house. You know the's jam packed and always hard to close.  Well, what if we could transform some of those old tees into something new?  Perhaps even a Christmas gift or two?  Here's one idea:

  • Tee Shirt
  • Something to go under the tee so the bleach won't seep though.  I used a white board. 
  •  Bleach Pen
  • Stencil

Slip the tee onto the board, so the bleach won't seep through.

Lay the stencil down use the bleach pen to fill it in, just as you would if you were painting it.

****TIP**** Less is more!!!!!  You can always go back and fill more in.  If you use too much it will turn into a giant white blob.  Trust me, I learned the hard way!!

 Let it sit for a few minutes.

Ready to go!!  Wash it in cold water and wear your new creation out.

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome! Now if only I fit into my old t-shirts! -kat
