
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Simple Yummy Scrumptious Apple Baby Breakfast Delight

     This was such a simple thing that I never even thought about putting it on my blog.  My friend told me I was crazy when I told her about my little concoction. She said  I had to share it with the world, so here we go....

Here are the ingredients you are going to need:

Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal (I was Quaker Oats but any brand is fine)
Apple Sauce
Milk (I use whole milk cause my guy is still little)

You'll also need a blender or Magic Bullet.

1. Prepare the 3 packs of the oatmeal as directed on the box.. ( This yields about 5 containers of the breakfast)

2.  Fill the containers that you are going to use to store this yummy baby breakfast 1/4 way with apple sauce.

3. Put  the oatmeal in your magic bullet or blender.  Blend it until the consistency is  nice and smooth.

4. Pour into the containers with the apple sauce and mix together.

     I store it in little mason jars.  They are easy to use, store, clean, no bpa etc.  My little man loves it.  He would lick out the jar if I let him.It tastes like liquified apple pie. Try it with your little ones.  If they like apples, they'll love it!!!  Enjoy Enjoy!!!

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