
Monday, November 4, 2013

One of the BEST / I Should Have Thought of That Inventions for Kids

   I'm writing about this because up to a few months ago I thought I had the only child in the universe that would swim, splash and play in a pool, lake, ocean, puddle or any body of water all day. Yet give them a bath and they scream bloody murder when water gets in their eyes while rinsing shampoo from their hair. On a whim, I bought a two pack of bath visors by Sassy at Babies R Us.  They worked like a charm.  The little fashion diva of mine loves to sport hats, or really anything she can put on her head to model.  The bonus is they keep all the water out of her eyes in the bath and there aren't anymore screaming/alligator wrestling matches in the tub.
     I know what you are going to say "A little water in the eyes is no big deal." Okay, I get that...but I think that soon enough she will realize that getting the pool water on her face and getting bath water on her face are the same.  My best friend ALWAYS tells me that you have to do what works for you and your kids, that's the best advice I have ever gotten. 

You can get these at  Just click the link below:

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