
Thursday, November 21, 2013

PicMonkey...Where have you been all my life!!!!


     Since I am very new at this whole blogging thing and not a computer wiz by a long shot, I frequently browse other blogs.  Many times, I look though blogs that have tutorials on how to in fact improve your own blog.  While perusing these tutorials I found that a few suggested using Picmonkey to edit photos, create collages or buttons.
     You can use Picmonkey for free or you can choose to purchase a membership at a ridiculously reasonable price.  If you choose to purchase a membership, you can work on your project without having  any annoying ads popping up and around. You also have the advantage of a few more effects, overlays and texts that aren't available when your using it for free. Please don't misunderstand though, even the free program is awesome.
     It is so easy to use.  After just playing with it for an hour or so, I was creating awesome effects in photos I have taken, editing photos like a pro and creating cool collages to use as thank you notes and even as an advertisement for my Etsy shop.   
     If I haven't convinced you to try it out yet, this should hook you.  When you edit your photos there are options to clear blemishes, air brush faces, add highlights to hair, brighten eyes, whiten teeth, and ready for this one there's an effect to thin you out!!!!!!  Below are some of the quick little projects I made.  I'm planning on creating some Picmonkey tutorials.  If your interested in getting and email when they are posted sign up on the left to subscribe!!!!  Check it out and have fun!!!

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