
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Priority #1 This New Year: Time to Get Organzied

     Anyone with a family and a home knows that Christmas is quickly followed by a tornado of toys all over the house.  Now...I live in a very teeny tiny cape with my 2 kids, husband and dog.  It is a challenge to say the least, to find a place for everything and still have room to move.  I have not been doing a great job of it in the last year or so, however, it's my New Year's resolution to get better at it.  Follow me in my journey!! 

   Here was my first step:

          With a trip to Ikea, I was able to get some of the toys in our playroom up and off the floor.  I purchased these 2 storage units from the Trofast Series.

     As with most things from Ikea, they were very affordable. They were also incredibly easy to put together.  They are also pretty sturdy.  I did attach them to the walls so that my kids who think they are part Spider Man don't pull them down on top of themselves.  I'll follow up with pics of the playroom.  I highly recommend these as part of organizing kids stuff!!!


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