
Thursday, January 9, 2014

No Mess Crock Pot Cooking

   I wanted to follow up yesterdays post with a quick tip/hint to make your life a billion times easier, when cooking with your crock pot!

TA DA!!!!

Crock Pot Liners
     I love these bad boys!!!  4 come in a box for $1.29.  Just stick them in the crock pot.  Toss in what you are cooking.  Then when it's done take the food out, slip out the bag, toss it in the garbage and clean up is done.   AWESOME!!!!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Post You've Been Waiting For!!!! Crock Pot Gound Beef/Turkey

     How to Cook a Large Amount of Ground Turkey or Beef in the Crock Pot

     Being a working Mom is challenging.  Especially one that doesn't particularly like to cook.  After working all day, the last thing I want to do when I come home is, make a big mess in the kitchen and start cooking dinner for everyone.  This has been a huge help to me and I hope that it will to you.

      Our household are huge fans of ground turkey.  We use it for so so much, tacos, tomato sauce, (my husband favorite) cowboy casserole, chili and more.  I have found that you can make a large amount of ground turkey or beef in the crock pot, then use what you want and freeze the rest for quick meals later. 

     Here's How:
1.  Lightly spray the inside of your crock pot with a little Pam.

2. Add Turkey or beef. 

3. Add a little water.  Set on High if your cooking it from it being frozen or low if it is thawed for 6 hours.

4. Go to Work

5.  When you get home drain the meat in a strainer and dump it back in the crock pot.

6. Turn the pot off and let it cool.

7.  Take out portions to freeze, I put them in zip lock freezer bag and label them with the date.

8.  Then, if I leave any I want to use that night I just put in any seasonings I want and warm it back up in the crock pot.

Easy Peasy!!!!!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Another Toy Organinzing Help

     This weekend I forged onward in my battle to get organized.  While at target I found a pretty cool thing!!!  My bathroom usually has bath toys all over it.  The bath tub ledges, on top of the shower door (yeah, you regularly get bopped in the head by a falling one when closing the shower door for a relaxing shower for yourself)and even on the back of the toilet (gross I know).
     Since I am a Pinterest junkie, I have found really creative ideas for organizing a bathroom.  I have to say though, when I found the Munchkin Bath Toy Scoop it just seemed to make the most sense, instead of buying things like pressure rods and baskets to hang against the bathtub wall. 

    It is a nice size and holds a ton of toys.  You can use it as a scoop, to retrieve all the toys from the water.  It also come with an adhesive hook to attach to the bathtub wall.  As it hangs up there all the remaining water drains out.  I highly recommend this product!!!  It's only $13.99 at Target,  see the link below!!!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Priority #1 This New Year: Time to Get Organzied

     Anyone with a family and a home knows that Christmas is quickly followed by a tornado of toys all over the house.  Now...I live in a very teeny tiny cape with my 2 kids, husband and dog.  It is a challenge to say the least, to find a place for everything and still have room to move.  I have not been doing a great job of it in the last year or so, however, it's my New Year's resolution to get better at it.  Follow me in my journey!! 

   Here was my first step:

          With a trip to Ikea, I was able to get some of the toys in our playroom up and off the floor.  I purchased these 2 storage units from the Trofast Series.

     As with most things from Ikea, they were very affordable. They were also incredibly easy to put together.  They are also pretty sturdy.  I did attach them to the walls so that my kids who think they are part Spider Man don't pull them down on top of themselves.  I'll follow up with pics of the playroom.  I highly recommend these as part of organizing kids stuff!!!