
Thursday, December 5, 2013

Best Gift for any Guy That Likes Sports!!!!

Photo from Bottom of the 9th
If the guys in your life are anything like the guys in mine, it is nearly impossible to figure out what to get them.  There are only so many sweatshirts, sweaters, tees one can give.  A couple of years ago my brother-in-law and a close friend were turning 40 within a few days of each other.  I purchased a set of the cuff links from the Etsy shop below.  What a huge hit!!!  They both loved them.

Photo from Bottom of the 9th
Here's what great about them.  Each set of cuff links is made from professional sports memorabilia.  I got my friend set constructed from a baseball that was used during a Cardinals game.  For my brother-in-law, I bought him a set that was made of a baseball used during a Mets game.

My husband liked them so much last Christmas I got him two pairs.  One pair I got for him was made of the Old Yankees Stadium Wall.  The second was made from a ball used in a Yankees/ Boston Game.  He also really liked them.

If you click on the link below it will take you right to the Etsy Shop I purchased the cuff links from.

Bottom of the 9th 

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