
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Just For Mommy Laughs....We all know we need them!!!!

I have been waiting to post this link for a long time.  I don't know what makes today special but it is.  Surprise!!! As I have mentioned before this is my favorite mommy blog.  Her post will make you laugh so hard you'll cry.  At the same time this Momma is very open and candid about the struggles she has faced battling postpartum depression.

This by far and above is my favorite of all her posts.  If I am having a bad Mommy day, you know the ones...I need to take a minute and read this for the 100,000th time, I take a breath and I can keep going.  Enjoy!!!!

I Owe My Mother an Apology By: Motherhood on the Rocks

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Just For Mommy Laughs....We all know we need them!!!!

     I love Brittany.  Her posts can make me laugh, cry, or feel like I am not alone on this journey we call adulthood and motherhood.  I hope you enjoy her work as much as I do....

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Just For Mommy Laughs....We all know we need them!!!!

    Just gotta read her blog post and keep up with her blog if you need daily Mommy sanity or insanity.   She's freaking hysterical.

Click Below to Read Jackass
              Jackass By: Motherhood WTF

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Super Social Network Possibility From Modcloth!!!

**The links in this post are affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link.

The season of BBQs, vacations, and outdoor festivities is upon us, and ModCloth wants you to share your summer memories with them! Include the hashtag #ModSummer when you’re posting your adventures and you could be featured on one of their social networks. Join in on the community fun, find some outfit inspiration in their Style Gallery, and get ready for the best summer ever!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Things to think about when you have a daughter....

This is an incredible and powerful  project I found online.  Not only do I think every woman should watch it, but I think anyone who has a daughter should share it with her when the time is right.  Click on the title below to view the video.

Photo From

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Just to Make Moms Laugh...You know We all Need It

One of my all time favorite blogs and favorite lists.

Click on the Link Below!!!!


Sunday, May 25, 2014

Make the Cut

**This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. 

ModCloth is launching its second Make the Cut Contest of the year! Not familiar with Make the Cut? Well, it's a fashion design contest, and in this edition, they're giving contestants a template on which to create a print pattern for a scarf. The talented winner will have their design produced by and sold on ModCloth, plus they'll receive a $500 prize! But first, the top 10 submissions will be hosted on the Be the Buyer page, where the community will vote for their faves. Design submissions will be accepted now until Friday 5/30/14, and the voting begins on  Monday 6/9/14. Official contest rules can be found here. Good luck!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Dove Beauty Sketches

I first a Mom and second a middle school teacher.  I love finding and sharing these incredible stories where girls and women discover both their inner and outer beauty.  I give Dove so much credit for making all these projects happen.  I do hope they have a great impact on our society.  Please click on the link below...

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Phil & Teds Stroller Giveaway From Zulily!!!!

**This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.

zulily phil & teds Stroller Sale and Giveaway 5/15-5/18!

Hey everyone! From today, 5/15 at 6am PT – 5/18 at 6 am PT, you can save up to $150 on a phil & teds stroller. Plus, I am entering a contest to win a stroller for myself and one for a lucky reader. (It could be you!) If you are interested in winning a new stroller click on the giveaway form on the right.
phil & teds is the brand of choice for parents who seek to stroll the streets in style. The brand focuses on creating agile, adaptable products that support busy parents' active lives.

Save up to $150 on 4 stroller styles in this zulily sale:
o Navigator
o Dot
o Smart Stroller
o Promenade

phil & teds Navigator Stroller Giveaway!I'm entering the zulily stroller giveaway contest and if I win one, so can one of you!

A little about the Navigator:
• Buggy and Second Seat that can adapt to changing needs with 26 riding options spanning birth to toddler for one or two children.
• Infant Car seat compatible with one or two car seats
• Highly maneuverable frame with compact one-hand fast fold
• The world's first Auto Stop(TM) inline(TM) stroller

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Cheapy Wreathy

   Here is a very cost officiant way to make the base of a wreath.  

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Just For Mommy Laughs...You know we need Them!!!!!

Click on the Title Below to watch Mary Ellen Hopper's awesome stand up routine!!!

Being a Mom: The Truth

Pic from

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Felt Flower

Have you ever wanted to learn how to make those cute little felt rosettes?  Here you go!!!  They are so easy!!!

Friday, February 28, 2014

Dove's Selfie Project

     My first born is an incredibly sweet, strong-willed, independent, self-assured, confident 3 year old girl.  I watch her in amazement, as she always does what she thinks is right or good, even though it might not be what the other kids around her are doing.  

     I, on the other hand have never had the confidence and strength as she does.  She often sits with me in the bathroom as I am getting ready to go somewhere.  Lately, she has been asking a lot of questions or mimicking things I do like sighing in the mirror at my face.  I knew my behavior had to change, in order  to encourage her to maintain hers.  As I watched this video, it reinforced everything I was thinking.  If you have a daughter, please take a minute to watch.  Ours girls are so so so impressionable.  The strongest female influence in her life is  her Mom.  So Mom!!!  Time To Shape Up!!!  

Click below to view the video!!!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Stuffed Heart

This is a little project making stuffed hearts I did for Valentine's Day.   I am planning on doing the same thing for St. Patrick's day with shamrocks.  You can use these stuffed hearts like I did on a wreath, or use them in a apothecary jar or even add a little ribbon to the top and hang them around your home.

Gather everything you'll need.  
1. felt
2. glue gun
3.  embroidery floss and needle
4. scissors
5. heart template
6.any little things you want to use to decorate them, I used little scrap booking faux chalk signs and buttons
7. Polyfill

1.   Use your heart template and trace your hearts on the felt. Remember, you will need an front and back piece for each heart.  I traced them out on 1 piece of felt,   then piled them up and cut out a bunch at a time.

2. Now it's time to decorate, go crazy, simple and sweet, or glam. 

3.  Next, I used an blanket stitch to sew  the back on with embroidery floss.  (Click here for the full blanket stitch tutorial.)  I left about an inch of the heart open and stuffed it with polyfill.  Then I sewed it closed.  

Here's how they turned out.....  

I pinned mine to a wreath for Valentine's Day.

Check back for felt flower tutorials!!!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Blanket Stitch

     I apologize for my lack of posts lately.  I live in New Jersey and have been buried under 3 feet of snow.  Since I am a teacher we have had a ton of snow days.  I mistakenly thought that they would give me a ton of spare time to work on my blog.  Silly silly 1 year old and 3 year old were also home with me, so I spent the majority of my snow break loading and unloading the dishwasher, picking up toys, doing laundry and vacuuming.  It is mind boggling how much work those two kids can make for Mommy in a matter of minutes.
Anyway,  I want to prove I was trying really hard to work on my posts.  Therefore,  I'm just going to throw the last few that I have been working on up even though we are a little past Valentines Day.
The first thing I want to show you how to do is a blanket stitch by hand.  You'll need to know how to do it for my next post on stuffed hearts.

1.   I cut 2 of the same sized hearts of of some felt.  I wanted to sew them together and stuff them as little Valentine's Day decorations.  To sew them I used the blanket stitch.  I started out my putting the two wrong sides of the heart together.  Then I took my needle and thread, knotted the end and started my first stitch through the wrong side of the back piece of the heart.
  2.  Next, stitch through the front to the back.  Leave yourself a loop, don't pull the thread tight just yet.

  3.  Thread the needle through the loop you just made and pull tight.
   4.  Repeat: stitch through the front pulling through the back, but leaving a loop.  Thread the needle throught the hoop and pull tight.  Your stitches should beginning to look like the ones below.